Centre plate for loudspeaker socket outlet
Product data sheet
Technical Properties
  • Centre plate for loudspeaker socket outlet
    Art No. 11966082
    EAN No. 4011334313847
    P.U. 10 part
    Price * on demand
    Price Group
    Technical Characteristics
    Colour of design line white
    • 1 knock out opening
    Secondary design line(s) Berker Q.1, Berker Q.3, Berker Q.7, Berker Q.9
  • Multimedia Order Overview for Multimedia
    PDF, 1,1 MB
    Berker Q.1 Catalogue Chapter for Berker Q.1
    Berker Q.1
    PDF, 17,7 MB
    Centre plate for loudspeaker socket outlet Product Data Sheet for 11966082
    Centre plate for loudspeaker socket outlet
    PDF, 336 KB
  • Art No. Description P.U.
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology 10 prt.
  • Art No. Description P.U.
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology
    4505 Insert for small connector Communication technology 10 prt.
    450502 Loudspeaker socket outlet High End Communication technology
    450502 Loudspeaker socket outlet High End Communication technology
    450502 Loudspeaker socket outlet High End Communication technology 10 prt.
    4577 Supporting plate for Ø 10 mm BNC/TNC connector modules Communication technology, white 10 prt.
    4579 Supporting plate for Ø 13 mm BNC/TNC connector modules Communication technology, white 10 prt.
* All data is subject to errors and technical modifications. All price values are recommended retail price values, exclusive of VAT.